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"Arist of a new kind"


Throughout the Interview C.DOT looked calm and glad to be back in front of the cameras for a positive reason. C.DOT is new to being a solo artist and is relishing his opportunity as he used his idols to describe himself. “I got loads (of Idols) I take some from the American, schoolboy Q’s, Nas, Tupac, then the English Skepta, gigs put them altogether then you get C.DOT.” There was an air of arrogance in the way he answered the questions. He seemed ready for the new challenge ahead.

He was keen to highlight the importance of his new album Yellow shop dreams and his debut single Nikes on my feet which he is producing a music video. The album includes “the best of everything I’ve done” and that the album is “slowly coming together”. The album is set to be released on the 18th December 2015. C.DOT seemed to crave the attention and said that his hobbies are just creating music, sitting around finding ideas. He is determined to make it to the top again. Keith Abraham Lovesworth refused to get drawn into speaking about C.DOT when asked how he felt about his old friend making a return he said “I have nothing to say, absolutely nothing”. This has got many people talking about what actually happened 5 years ago.

"Hearing my own music is the biggest success"

At this moment in time, there is a limited amount of English rappers and the hip hop genre is filled with American artists. Therefore could C.DOT fill the void and challenge the Americans. C.DOT talked himself up and said that if you put all the top rappers together then that’s what your going to get and see in his new album which is being released on the 18th December 2015. He also highlighted his debut single Nikes on my feet as “one to watch out for”.

For a long time the American artists such as Schoolboy Q, Tupac, Nas, Eminem, Jay Z, Kanye West, Snoop Dog and Lil Wayne, have dominated the hip hop industry. Whereas the English artists, Skepta, Giggs, Devlin and Stormzy, have not hit the top. However C.DOT believes he can get there after his hard times on the street and he had a lot to say about the divide which he feels is currently there. “There is (when asked about being a divide between the american rappers and british) we all know there is and anyone who says else is lying. Look right I want as much as anyone to make my family proud but also  the UK I can get there I know I can I believe in myself. I lost that belief when I was on the streets but I got it back. I’m here, and the world is going to know about it.”


New and rising star solo artist C.DOT also known as Callum Flews, formally from the Disciples, is now pursuing his solo career. His career took a huge fall when he split from his close friend and counterpart Keith Abraham Lovesworth. It has taken time and a large amount of courage to reach his previous height.

He recently has been signed to illuminations records ltd after a torrid times on the street where he has been quoted to “fear for his life” after difficult times. However I caught up with C.DOT himself and I was lucky enough to interview him and get to know more about his new album; Yellow Shop Dreams.

This was the first time that I met C.DOT in person and I was surprised at how arrogant he was. He has received a wide range of negative publicity at which he wants to get rid of and start again and forget the past, look ahead to the future a future which C.DOT wants to makes his family and fans proud. The interview can be shown on XXL website aswell as C.DOT’s website and social media.



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